Friday, August 25, 2017

Braces In Film: Braces Attack Scene from Poltergeist II

Here's the classic orthodontic horror scene from Poltergeist II: The Other Side, where Robbie's braces attack him.  Poor Robbie really had a traumatic braces experience.  This looks worse than heavy headgear treatment!

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Life, Death, and Adult Braces

Check this podcast. A philosophical and humorous talk about adult braces:

Friday, August 4, 2017

Braces In Film: ""Samuel, veroordeeld tot de beugel"

Here's a braces-related short film that came out in 2002. Its a Dutch film called "Samuel, veroordeeld tot de beugel."  The title has been translated "Samuel, Condemned to Braces." According to synopses of the film, its about a boy undergoing major orthodontia, who finally has enough and puts together a website to warn others about braces. The film has a horror film style, and its actually quite amusing even if you don't know Dutch. You can kind-of tell whats going on, regardless of language. The braces experience is universal!